The WoW or Gold Brainstormz Podcast Index

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Critical blogging & White Ribbons pt 2

So why am I writing this? Why is this so important that I have to create my own posts based on what Critical has written about? Why the hell did I even begin writing this second post before I had managed to finish my comment to his post!? In what way do my posts show support for The Gold Queen? The questions are many and i'm honestly not interested in answering them at all.

Read on after the jump for my reasoning behind why Critical did the right thing by writing his post.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Critical blogging & White Ribbons pt 1

I just read Critical Goblin's post about The Gold Queen. I'm not writing this post to defend nor attack Critical. The reason i'm writing this post is a different one; Freedom of speech. Now, freedom of speech is one of those topics were people can claim that everyone should be free to speak their mind, but not when it comes to certain things for various emotional reasons. What those things could be aren't of importance here, i've chosen another focus for this post.

Read on after the jump for my thoughts on the thin line between accusations and speaking your mind.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

White Ribbon - Heart of Gold

"With one voice, as one community, we are speaking out and working to end violence against women."

I'm back now and this is a somewhat belated post. My thoughts go to my dear female friends and relatives that have experienced very difficult situations. Not to mention all of the other women and girls in the world that have gotten hurt whether it's physically or psychologically in the past or the present. I also want to send some love to The Gold Queen. Show her your support.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

GrayzBDF's WoW era has come to an end

"I'm a ninja!...My style is U.F.O." (This pic is dedicated to Krieeg <Devotion>)

Well, I didn't think that i'd make a post since I didn't have a reason to, in my own opinion, but I woke up this morning and thought that'd look at my Grayz email which has been untouched for weeks. Isiliya, Guildmom of Devotion, a great friend of mine had written a mail way back in May that I had overlooked completely, so I wrote her a book filled with love. A few people have added me on Google+, another site where i'm inactive, that I check from time to time. Thanks a lot for adding me.

I've got my reasons to quit and Mists of Pandaria + Blizzards desperate money schemes are most definitely two of them. Read more after the jump...